Monday, October 24, 2011

Episode 76 - Guest: Deja Brandeis

Deja Brandeis is an independent writer/director in Nashville, TN and also a Nashville Rollergirl known as Hippy-Ki-Yay. She talks about the Documentary she is completing about the Nashville Rollergirls and her life as a Rollergirl.

The inspirational story follows the Nashville Rollergirls through the loss of their practice space, the move to a new bout venue, injuries, relocation of key players, huge financial pressures, and even an epic flood. Ever the underdog, and with a burning in their bellies, the Nashville Rollergirls seek to prove themselves at every turn. And nothing will prevent them from achieving the goals they set. This is the story of a group of people who, in true Nashville spirit, refuse to accept "no", "can't", or "won't". And in true derby spirit, they bring "do-it-yourself" to the next level.

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Download Episode 76 here

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